Sundance® Spas Flow Switch (2560-040)

  • $ 49.99

Sundance® Spas Flow Switch Part #2560-040

3 barbed connections with Curled Finger Connectors and 2-Pin Plug.

Original Sundance® Spas Part. Part number on Flow Switch: Q12DS-C2.

Used on the Following Sundance® Spa Models: 780 Series, 2008+; 680 Burlington® (Equipped with Circ Pump), 2008+; 680 Hartford® and Hawthorne® (Equipped with Circ Pump), 2007+; Hamilton®, Chelsee®, Certa®, and Camden®, 2007; 780 Palermo®, Bahia®, and Cayman®, 2005-2006; All Sweetwater Models, 2003-2004. Used on the Following Jacuzzi® Spa Models: J-300™ LED Series (With Curled Finger Connectors).

Do not use on other models such as 800™,850™, 880™ Series that use a square finger connection.